Athlete Speakers and Philanthropy: How Athletes are Making a Difference

Sports have long been connected with success and failure, often focusing on individual and team accomplishments. Many athletes, however, are taking advantage of their platform and using them for good because they understand their influence and ability to impact the lives of others. Athlete speakers utilize philanthropy to give back and improve the world by leveraging their popularity and success.

Here are a few more instances of athletes that are making a difference with their platform:

    Serena Williams: The tennis superstar has long advocated for gender equality and equal pay. Through the Serena Williams Fund, she has supported several causes, including education, disaster relief, and health and wellness initiatives.

    Simone Biles: The Olympic gymnast has advocated for additional resources and assistance for athletes by using her platform to spread awareness about mental health.

    LeBron James: The basketball icon has been a vocal advocate for social justice, supporting causes like education reform and voting rights through his LeBron James Family Foundation.

    Sue Bird: The WNBA player has been an outspoken advocate of LGBTQ+ rights, utilizing her platform to spread understanding and encourage equality.

    These athletes and many others are genuinely changing the world through their philanthropic efforts. 

    Why Athletes are Uniquely Positioned to Make a Difference

    Because they impact fans and the general public, athletes are uniquely positioned to influence the world. Athletes serve as role models for fans, and many athletes take this profession seriously. They use their platform to promote causes that are important to them and to encourage others to get involved.

    Personal experiences are typically what motivate athletes to volunteer. Many athletes are from humble beginnings and are aware of the challenges underrepresented communities face. By giving back, they can help create opportunities and improve the lives of those in those communities.

    Book an Athlete Speaker

    We encourage athletes who are enthusiastic about giving back to think about turning to speaking as a way to use their platform for good. You can encourage change and positively impact the world by sharing your experiences and views with others.

    Our team at Athlete Speakers will be there for you every step of the process. We can provide the tools and assistance you need to be successful while assisting you in finding speaking engagements that are consistent with your ideals and goals. Contact us today! 
