Growing Your Business with a Sports Brand Ambassador

According to statistics, 20–50% of consumers base their purchases on advice from friends, family, and influencers. There are many advantages to ambassador marketing such as more brand awareness, leads, sales, and engagement. These are the steps you should take to expand your company using a sports brand ambassador.

Do they represent another brand?

Make sure the brand ambassador is not promoting a rival brand before anything else. Do some background checking to see if the person has previously endorsed brands that compete with yours. You should hire them if they have previously promoted a brand similar to yours – those with similar core values. They are even more qualified for the job.

Are they likable?

The best sports brand ambassador is well-liked and has a large fan base. Customers often buy products that stimulate their emotions, so you should choose a brand ambassador who is likable, relatable, and gives off positivity. For example, if you want to encourage people to purchase new cars, hire someone who is well-known for their driving skills or who supports modern, energy-efficient cars.

Are they right for the job?

A brand ambassadorial role requires brand awareness and industry experience, unlike other types of influencer marketing. A brand ambassador for a business that sells soccer shoes cannot be a female tennis player. Consumers most likely will not purchase what she is offering. A brand ambassador should be able to sell things naturally, therefore choose the best person for the job. Before hiring someone, take into account their personality, lifestyle, causes they support, and familiarity with your brand.

Think of their influence and engagement

Many business owners and marketers believe that the more followers an influencer has, the better they are at serving as an ambassador. But this is not always the case. A person might have millions of followers, yet the majority of them might be inactive or bots. Before hiring someone, think about their influence and interaction with their following. What percentage of their posts receive likes, shares, reposts, and retweets? Do they provide live sessions and giveaways or interact with their followers in the comments section? Choose an athlete who has a devoted fan base and can effectively market your items.

To book an sports brand ambassador, trust the team at Athlete Speakers. Our company has been working with the top athletes for over 20 years. Fill out our Online Booking Request Form or call 1-800-916-6008 to start figuring out how you can give your organization the boost it needs!
